Translation from Arabic

Date: 17 October 2017

Memorandum of Understanding 

Between the Government of the State of Sennar hereafter called the Govt., the Vienna Eye Care Partners hereafter called VECP and Alhoush Alkabeer Charity Organisation – Sennar hereafter called AACOS to organise, fund and implement treatment camp in Sennar hospital in 2018. 

Meeting Venue: Office of the Governor of the State of Sennar. 


  1. State’s Government: The Governor of the State, Minister of Health (MH), Minister of the Planning & Public Utilities (MP), Mayor of Sennar City (MS) and Mayor of Sinja City (MS)
  2. Representatives of VECP
  3. President & Representatives of AACOs 


The meeting began by introduction session and discussed the following agenda: 

Treatment camp in Sennar City:

whereas all 3 parties have agreed to the following: 

1/ VECP to lead & implement the treatment camp in Sennar City. The treatment camp shall mainly focus on the eye diseases and eye operations. The camp would also include hand, burns and cleft and harelips operations as well as dentist contribution. The VECP shall coordinate with their members in Austria and arrange for the treatment camp. VECP shall provide specifications of the missing equipment and they may also need to list required equipment, machines and disposables required for the treatment camp. They’ve also been urged to lend helping hands to facilitate availability of these requirements. VECP shall determine the timeframe for the camp as soon as possible upon their return to Vienna. VECP shall establish training opportunities for the Sudanese doctors as well as some selected medical students, in order for the partners to attain exchange of expertise between the two countries and to retain the expertise to Sennar. This can be achieved by preparation of training timetable, receive trainees and coordinate their stay in Austria, this include supporting letters to obtain entry visas to Austria.

2/ The Govt. under the responsibility of the Minister of Health shall facilitate and establish all permissions and government authorisations that would enable the VECP members to practice medical treatment in the country. The MH shall arrange and make available necessary documentations that enable the VECP team to move freely in the Sudan, provide security, comfortable means of transportation including accommodation and living costs throughout the camp in Sennar City. MH shall facilitate and make available good work atmosphere in Sennar hospital and present a qualified team to directly help and support the implementation of the camp. MH shall contribute to the cost of the disposables that would be used during the operations. The Ministry shall cover all costs for the selected trainees while attending training sessions in Austria, this has been agreed upon by the minister during the discussion of the capacity building sessions. 

3/ AACOS shall coordinate all activities of the project as well as above mentioned points in para (2). Follow up and initiate all correspondences, execute and process all requirements, facilitate and coordinate arrival of the VECP delegation including transportation as well as all coordination required from the ministry of Health. AACOS shall implement all logistics pertaining to the camp this include; preparation of the list of the patients, receiving them, organise their entrance for diagnosis and create a comfortable atmosphere for all. AACOS shall contribute to the cost of the operations, any required project synopsis pertaining to the hospital improvements particularly the buildings etc… AACOS will guarantee under the umbrella of its MoU with the VECP continuation of the partnership and arrange future camps as well as opening up training opportunities and exchange of expertise. Also it will continue its coordination with the MH as a partner in this project and in the end this would be of positive benefits for the people of Sennar. 

4/ Sennar Mayor’s Office as a beneficiary, service recipient and host of the project together with AACOS, is to facilitate implementation of this project, as they are also considered to be one of the partners of this camp.

5/ all agreed that the final beneficiary of this project is the individual citizen of the Sennar city who are in dire and urgent need for this treatment services, also all have seconded the training opportunities for the doctors as well as other relevant professionals. Bringing-in the latest medical equipment and modern sustainable system in this active partnership between NGOS AND THE government is essential. 



1st Partner

2nd Parner

3rd Partner

Ministry of Health/sennar state