Report Fact Finding Mission Sennar City, Sudan

October 14 – 21, 2017


OA Dr. Alex Salomon, ophthalmologist, member of VECP (AS)

Dr. Hans Schindler, legal advisor/expert, secretary VECP (HS)

Univ. Prof. Dr. Paul Spauwen, plastic/reconstructive surgeon, cashier VECP (PS)

Mag. Hassan Malik, UNIDO, organizer of mission (HM)

Invitation: Alhoush Alkabeer Charity Organisation (President Mr Sayid Osman Homayda, SOH)

Support: Österreichisch-Sudanesischer Verein (President DI Paul Slatin, member Dr.Dr. Wolf Zinn-Zinnenburg) 

Sunday, October 15 

Meeting with Prof. Mamoun M.A.Homeida, Minister of Health of KhartoumState. Presentation of VECP objectives (PS) with a focus on exchange of know-how sustainability Prof. Homeida outlines the healthcare situation in Sudan. Khartoum seems well supplied, dental clinics and eye centres are, however, problematic in rural areas like Sennar. Eye diseases (blindness through cataract, trachoma) but also problems with cleft lip, jaw and palate are prevailing. There are NGOs but cleft palates are undersupplied. For blindness through cataract there is a national programme. Today the number of these eye diseases (300000) has dropped by a half. A serious problem is Mycetoma, either bacterial (treatable) or caused by a fungus (hardly to be treated with medication and ending in amputation of limbs in most cases). Frequent in Sennar and surroundings. As there are no pains, patients look for treatment (too) late. In Sennar there is international research in mycetoma in cooperation with KhartoumMedicalUniversity. At the end of the meeting Prof.Homayda offers a meeting with university students and staff on October 19. 

Meeting with Dr. Mohamed Kardaman, Dean of the University for Medical Sciences and Technology. They offer basic training, a teaching hospital and post-graduate projects, mainly in the field of paramedical studies. Prof.Abdalla Omer Elkhawad, head of Graduate College, shows laboratories and confirms joint projects re mycetoma – research in Sennar. 

Evening: invitation to barbecue by SOH, president of AACO and HM’s boyhood friend. He is corporate lawyer with Global Law Firm. AACO organises and successfully implements projects in Sennar in the field of school refurbishment and improvement of water supply. 

Monday, October 16 

Drive from Khartoum to Sennar (280 km). Incident after Madani: police do not permit continuation of journey. Back to Madani, the nearest town. Eventually clearance for continuation. Conclusion:  in case of a mission obtain ‘permit to pass’ from Khartoum to Sennar in advance. 

On entering Sennar warm welcome by the Minister of Health, the Mayor, government officials, members of AACO, HM’s two brothers and friends. On the way to Sennar Royal Hospital lunch at the oldest barrage in Sudan with 99 turbines, built in 1916 in British colonial times.

Sennar Royal Hospital is made up of pavilions and consists of 4 different hospitals with autonomous managements. First impressions convey solid basic services, partly modern equipment (i.e. CT, C-arc). Some buildings were recently refurbished or are in the process of renovation. Refurbishment of the Eye-Clinic is planned for the beginning of next year, which both the Minister of Health and the Mayor confirm. It was conspicuous that there were no patients either in the outpatients’ wards or the operating theatres – a somewhat strange and unreal impression. Details on selection of patients, transportation, equipment, accommodation etc. were to be discussed in a meeting on October 17. 

In the evening dinner with HM’s family and friends and various dignitaries in a private house. The three of us were accommodated in our host SOH’s house in a large, comfortable room for the following three nights. 

Tuesday, October 17 

Meeting with Eldow Mohmed Almahi Hamed, governor of SennarState, in the capital Sinjha.  The strategic approach and the clear presentation of our request had been discussed internally in advance. After a short introduction of VECP, the important question of whether there are patients who cannot afford a cataract operation was asked. We were told that there is insurance for all costs incurred. If there is no insurance costs are covered by a charity fund. Our effort has to be geared towards improving the quality of treatment and raise towards European standards (technology, instruments etc.) with the support of the government, the Ministryof Health and the Mayor. The Government agreed to bear the cost of transport of our doctors from Khartoum to Sennar. It was generally confirmed that all cost for transport, board and lodging etc from KhartoumAirport onwards will be covered by local authorities and organisations. The Ministry of Health have already compiled a list of equipment for the hospital. We emphasized that we wanted to get the list immediately. After receiving the list, AS and PS are to comment on the contents. To be able to proceed practically, SOH promised to summarise the talk with the officials and have the resume signed by the three parties (government, VECP and AACO). 

We also visited the new Sinjha hospital particularly the department of dialysis and its new building as well as the project funded by the UN global fund. 

Over the course of the day visits to the Ministry of Health, to the Mayor of Sinjha, the Dean of the Medical University of Sennar and three girls’ schools, one primary school who have received us with the national anthym and some other national songs. The other two schools were secondary schools (refurbished by AACO).

In the evening invitation to dinner with HM’s (big) family – a minimum of 150 guests from the field of hospital, government, business and AACO. 

Wednesday, October 18 

In the morning watching a cataract operation (ECCE, Extra Capsular Cataract Extraction) by Dr. Medani. He is good at this conventional technique. There are two eye surgeons, Dr. Samman Medani ( tel: 002491/23620360) and Dr. Talha Ali Ahmed ( tel: 002491/2802621). A third young eye surgeon, Dr. Walaeddin Elmnazzel joined us later ( tel: 002499/2333307).        Dr. Elmnazzel performs surgery in a private hospital in another city, carries out 60 operations per week and is experienced in the Phaco-method.

Afterwards meeting with 8 medical specialists, who submit their wishes after presenting their wards. They all wish to raise the standards of the hospital. There are lists of equipment needed, in line with the Ministry of Health. For the ophthalmic clinic a detailed specification is necessary. After the meeting AS and the three ophthalmologists worked together on a first modification of the list. Further revision by AS, Dr. Talha Ali Ahmed and Dr. Medani follows over the next weeks. 

Result: The two days convey a positive sense regarding a possible cooperation. Provided that the modern equipment is purchased and technological and service provided, two steps can be taken: a two-week project at Sennar Royal Hospital and afterwards further training of one or two young doctors/assistants in Vienna, supervised by AS.

After consulting the president of VECP, Mag. Elisabeth Spauwen-Micka, it seems realistic to realise our project in Sudan for the next years. In that case we could sign a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation. 

In the evening closing ceremony accompanied by an African dance by a children’s group and a traditional dancing chorus from the Nuba Mountains region. Signing of the Alhoush Kabeers water project between AACO and the Mayor of Sennar. Afterwards revision and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between VECP and AACO (appendix 1).

Finally presentation of the most important items of the agreement between AACO, VECP and the Ministry of Health of Sennar State. The memorandum involves a precise description of arrangements relating to organisation and cost of transport, housing, refurbishing of buildings, equipment and professional contributors. (appendix2), The Arabic text is translated into English already in Khartoum by HM (appendix 3). Everybody speaks positively about the results achieved. 

Thursday, October 19 

Return trip from SennarCity to Khartoum with letter from the governor for free passage.

In the evening meeting organised by Prof. Mamoun Homeida, Minister of Health (Khartoum State). Powerpoint presentation on organisation, objectives and project requirements of VECP (PS). Short presentation of results, Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement.

Prof. Homeidas reaction confirms the correctness of our mode of operation and promises the support of his ministry. A study on Eye care in Sudan will be soon sent to us by the ministry (appendix 4).

Friday, October 20 

Live talk show with TV(PS, HM) on VECP and experience in Sudan during our visit. Afterwards invitation for breakfast by two retired ambassadors Amb. Ali Yusuf and Amb. Sayed Jalal in the context of consolidating goodwill for our VECP project and AACO. 

At noon boat trip on the Blue Nile including recording by national TV.

In the evening and upon invitation from Mr. Taha Hamed Humaida at his residence the Blue Nile TV broadcast worldwide. PS, HS and AS say good-bye with words of appreciation for AACO. 

Saturday, October 21 

Return flight Khartoum Vienna via Cairo.

Departure Khartoum 0430, arrival Vienna 14.35